Mobility and Scholarships
ERASMUS+ changes lives, opens paths, builds character, creates memories that last a lifetime, and UASVM supports you to reach your maximum potential.
Erasmus+ 2022 mobilities
ERASMUS+ is the EU program that supports you to follow training in the international environment, to be recognized as a European specialist in your field.
Erasmus+ is the European Union program in the fields of education, professional training, youth and sport for the period 2021-2027; it offers opportunities for mobility and cooperation for all that are actively involved in the mentioned fields, either as individuals or as institutions/organizations.
The program is a key tool supporting the achievement of the objectives set at European level through the European Education Area, the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027), the EU Youth Strategy, the Skills Agenda for Europe and the European Union Work Plan for Sports.
The general objective of the Erasmus+ program is to support the educational, personal and professional development of people working in the fields of education, vocational training, youth and sport.
Types of projects: Erasmus+ funds mobility projects of people for the purpose of learning and cooperation projects between organizations and institutions. The program also provides support for policy cooperation at EU level.
The overall priorities for the period 2021-2027 are inclusion and diversity, digital transformation, the environment and combating climate change and, in the case of the youth sector, participation in democratic life.
Contact the Erasmus coordinator of the faculty where you are enrolled.
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: Prof. Dr. Emilia Ciobotaru Pîrvu