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Study programs
In the center of our attention is you! Study programs prepare you for society’s priority fields, with modern teaching aids and Erasmus+ scholarships and mobility that motivate you and offer new opportunities.
The veterinary world is facing new challenges and it is our aim to equip you with the medical, surgical skills and knowledge needed in a changing world.
The First Emergency Veterinary Teaching Hospital offers the chance to learn and prepare 24/7 for your future career.
Medicină Veterinară în limba română
Programul de studii Medicină Veterinară din domeniul fundamental Științe biologice și biomedicale este un program de studii universitare integrate licenţă şi master, conform reglementării sectoriale din cadrul Uniunii Europene. Se desfășoară pe o perioadă de 6 ani – 360 de credite, sub forma învățământului cu frecvență.
Programul de studiu MEDICINĂ VETERINARĂ are ca obiective generale pregătirea studenților pentru dobândirea de cunoștințe teoretice și abilități practice în domeniul medicinei veterinare.
Medicină Veterinară în limba engleză/ Veterinary Medicine in english
The Veterinary Medicine study program in the fundamental field of Biological and Biomedical Sciences is an integrated undergraduate and master’s degree program, according to the sectoral regulation of the European Union. It takes place over a period of 6 years – 360 credits, in the form of full-time education. It has the general objective of preparing students for the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of veterinary medicine.
The program of study VETERINARY MEDICINE has as general objectives the preparation of the students for the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of veterinary medicine.
Medicină Veterinară în limba franceză/Médecine vétérinaire en français
Le programme d’étud es en médecine vétérinaire dans le domaine fondamental des sciences biologiques et biomédicales est un programme intégré de Licence et de maîtrise, conformément à la réglementation sectorielle de l’Union européenne. Il se déroule sur une période de 6 ans – 360 crédits, sous forme d’enseignement à temps plein. Il a pour objectif général de préparer les étudiants à l’acquisition de connaissances théoriques et de compétences pratiques dans le domaine de la médecine vétérinaire.
Le Programme d’etudes Medecine Veterinaire a comme objectifs generaux la formation des etudiants pour aquerir les connaissances theoriques et les habilites pratques dans le domaine de la medecine veterinaire.
PhD studies
Doctoral studies represent the third cycle of university studies, corresponding to the Bologna system, and they are organized within the universities that have the quality of University Doctoral Studies Organizing Institutions (IOSUD).
The University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest is IOSUD, and the doctoral studies were reorganized within the Doctoral School for Engineering and Management of Plant and Animal Resources and the Doctoral School of Veterinary Medicine
Bachelor's degree
*IF – full time education
Veterinary medicine IF/360 | 300 places (225 budget, 75 tuition fee) |
Veterinary medicine (in English) IF/360 | 50 places with tuition fee |
Veterinary medicine (in French) IF/360 | 30 places with tuition fee |