Medicină Veterinară în limba engleză/ Veterinary Medicine in english

General objectivesThe Veterinary Medicine study program in the fundamental field of Biological and Biomedical Sciences is an integrated undergraduate and master’s degree program, according to the sectoral regulation of the European Union. It takes place over a period of 6 years – 360 credits, in the form of full-time education. It has the general objective of preparing students for the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of veterinary medicine.The program of study VETERINARY MEDICINE has as general objectives the preparation of the students for the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of veterinary medicine.Specific objectives The main specific objectives of the study program of VETERINARY MEDICINE are regulated by HG 469/24 June 2015, annex no. 2, which provides for the acquisition of the following knowledge and skills:
  1. a) adequate knowledge of the sciences on which the activities of veterinary profession are based and of the European Union law regarding the respective activities;
  2. b) adequate knowledge about the structure, functions, behavior and psychological needs of the animals, as well as the skills and competences necessary for their breeding, feeding, welfare, reproduction and hygiene, in general;
  3. c) the clinical, epidemiological and analytical skills and competencies necessary for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases, including anesthesia, aseptic surgery and euthanasia, considered individually or in groups, including specific knowledge about diseases transmitted to humans;
  4. d) knowledge, skills and competences of preventive medicine, including competences related to investigations and certification;
  5. e) adequate knowledge of the hygiene and technology of the production, manufacture and putting into circulation of food products intended for animals or those of animal origin intended for human consumption, including the skills and competences necessary to understand and explain good practices in this field;
  6. f) the knowledge, skills and competences necessary for the responsible and judicious use of veterinary medicinal products for the treatment of animals and for ensuring safety in the food chain and environmental protection;
According to the HG 469/2015 and the MECS address no. 351 / 28.07.2015 resorted to the unitary adaptation of the curricula to all the faculties of Veterinary Medicine in Romania.Skills acquired by graduates at the end of their studies in accordance with European regulationsGeneral skills:C1. Animal health; laboratory supervision and diagnosis; diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment of diseases / syndromes affecting animalsC2. Veterinary public health, veterinary inspection and border control; epidemiological surveillance of livestock, detection, prevention and control of diseases, including zoonosesC3. Hygiene of animal products and of animal origin; approval of the production, marketing and consumption  of animal origin food, quality control and safety of animal products, including through HACCP analysisC4. Testing, recording and authorizing the production, conditioning and marketing of veterinary products and other materials that may affect the health of animals; retail and use of biological products, pesticides for special use and veterinary medicinesC5. Providing expertise and management in the protection, welfare, breeding, care, feeding, reproduction and production of animals, as well as in environmental protection; control of feed hygieneC6. Conducting scientific research and training activities, continuous training, consulting and auditing in the areas of competence.

Descoperă planurile de învățământ

Anatomy 1 
Anatomy 2



Histology and Embryology 1



Histology and Embryology 2






Biochemistry 1



Animal Biology 
Animal Nutrition and Agronomy 1 



Applied Mathematics in Biological Sciences 
Plant Biology 
Rural Economy 
Foreign Languages 1 
Foreign Languages 2 
Physical Education 1** 
Communication techniques 
Intramural & Extramural Practical Training 1 
External Practical Training 1* 
History of Veterinary Medicine 

Scientific Information, Methods and Techniques of Documentation



Quality Management of Teaching in Veterinary Medicine


Development of Professional Abilities and Career Orientation


European Institutions and EU LegislationCrearea unui fundament solid teoretic şi practic viitorului medic veterinar bazat pe cunoştinţele dobândite la cursul şi lucrările practice de  anatomie. Înţelegerea rolului stabilirii diagnosticului diferenţial de specie în vederea examinării în abator, litigii şi încălcări ale legislaţiei. Înţelegerea necesităţii corelării diagnosticului anatomic cu alte metode de investigaţie (examen ecografic, examen radiologic etc.), în final, diagnosticul fiind rezultanta muncii în echipă. Conştientizarea nevoii de documentare permanentă şi de exersare continuă a tehnicilor însuşite. Conştientizarea nevoii de stabilire a unui diagnostic de specie în unităţi de producere şi comercializare a produselor de origine animală precum şi în situaţii de litigii.
Anatomy 3 
Anatomy 4 
Biochemistry 2 
Microbiology 1 
Microbiology 2 
Physiology 1




Physiology 2



Physiopathology 1 
Physiopathology 2 


Animal Breeding


Animal Productions 1 
Animal Nutrition and Agronomy 2 
Physical Education 2** 
Intramural & Extramural Practical Training 2 
External Practical Training 2* 
Techniques of Molecular Biology Applied in Veterinary Medicine 
Laboratory Management of Veterinary Field and Food Safety 
Pet breeding 
Functional Investigations 
Medicine of Laboratory Animals 
Foreign Languages 3 
Foreign Languages 4 
Volunteering Activities



Animal Productions 2 
Veterinary Hygiene and Environment Protection 
Welfare and Animal Protection 
Parasitology, Parasitic Disease and Clinical Lectures on Species 


Semiotics 1 
Semiotics 2 
Pathology 1


Pathology 2


Pharmacology 1 
Pharmacology 2 
Intramural & Extramural Practical Training 3 
External Practical Training 3*


Cytopatological Diagnosis 
Foodstuff Microbiology 
Ethics and Academic Integrity 
Volunteering Activities 
Communication and communication protocols with patient owners 
Foreign Languages 5 
Foreign Languages 6




Internal Medicine and Clinical Lectures on Species 1 
Internal Medicine and Clinical Lectures on Species 2 
Surgery and Clinical Lecture on Species 1 
Infectious Disease, Preventive Medicine and Clinical Lectures on Species 1 
Infectious Disease, Preventive Medicine and Clinical Lectures on Species 2 
Veterinary State Medicine and Public Health 
Food Hygiene and Technology 1 
Toxicology 1 
Toxicology 2 
Parasitology, Parasitic Diseases and Clinical Lectures on Species 2 
Parasitology, Parasitic Diseases and Clinical Lectures on Species 3 

Intramural & Extramural Practical Training 4


External Practical Training 4*

Medicine of aquatic animals and aquaculture 
Exotic Pathology 
Biotechnologies in Reproduction 
Health of Bees and Silkworms 
Foreign Languages 7 
Foreign Languages 8 
Volunteering Activities




Internal Medicine and Clinical Lectures on Species 3 
Internal Medicine and Clinical Lectures on Species 4 
Surgery and Clinical Lectures on Species 2 
Surgery and Clinical Lectures on Species 3 
Infectious Disease, Preventive Medicine and Clinical Lectures on Species 3 
Infectious Disease, Preventive Medicine and Clinical Lectures on Species 4 
Reproduction Disorders and Clinical Lectures on Species 1 
Reproduction Disorders and Clinical Lectures on Species 2 
Food Hygiene and Technology 2 
Inspection and Control of Foodstuffs of Animal Origin 1 
Inspection and Control of Foodstuffs of Animal Origin 2 
Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging 1 
Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging 2 
Emergencies in Veterinary Medicine 
Intramural & Extramural Practical Training 5 
External Practical Training 5* 
Management of Food Safety 
Orthopedics and Hoof Dressing 
Management of Scientific Research Activity 
Alternative Therapies 
Emerging and Re-emerging Zoonotic Diseases 
Entrepreneurship in veterinary medicine 
Forensic Pathology and Diagnostic Necropsy 1 
Forensic Pathology and Diagnostic Necropsy 2 
Legislation in Veterinary Medicine 

Practical Works in Units for Slaughtering and Processing of Foodstuffs


Elaboration of the bachelor thesis


Intramural & Extramural Practical Training 6

Management of Livestock Diseases / Clinical Lectures*


Management of Diseases of Pets, Sport and Exotic Animals / Clinical Lectures*


Management of Animal Husbandry and Welfare; Management of Foodstuff Quality and Safety* 
Emergencies in Animal Medicine* 
Experimental Parasitology


Conventional and Digital Report Techniques for Integration at Workplace




Management of swine diseases 1


Management of swine diseases 2


Management of avian diseases 1


Management of avian diseases 2


Management of ruminant diseases 1


Management of ruminant diseases 2




Management of equine diseases 1


Management of equine diseases 2


Management of canine and feline diseases 1


Management of canine and feline diseases 2


Management of diseases of zoo-captive and nature reserve animals 1


Management of diseases of zoo-captive and nature reserve animals 2




Management of animal husbandry 1


Management of animal husbandry 2


Management of animal welfare 1


Management of animal welfare -2


Inspection and control in units specialized in obtaining and processing of foodstuffs of animal origin 1


Inspection and control in units specialized in obtaining and processing of foodstuffs of animal origin 2




Emergencies in pets 1


Emergencies in pets 2


Emergencies in livestock 1


Emergencies in livestock 2


Emergencies in wildlife, exotics, nature reserve and zoo-captive animals 1


Emergencies in wildlife, exotics, nature reserve and zoo-captive animals 2